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A Christian Girl's Guide to spending Early mornings with God

Updated: Jan 18

Hello, wonderful ladies. I hope you all are doing well and enjoying Bloomify so far; in today’s blog post, I will discuss some things you can do to start your day right with the Lord.

 I think the Mornings are a sacred time to spend with the Lord as, for the most part, the world is quiet, and it truly feels like you and God’s alone time. Even though we should spend time with God throughout our day, when you start your day with the Lord, the rest of the day is easier to go through as you will be reminded of God.

Before I get into the tips, I want to make sure you understand that to have early mornings with God where you are alert and well-rested, you need to sleep early so you can get the needed sleep time you need to be well rested. For me, that is sleeping from 10:30 pm or 11 pm to 6 am. God-willing, I hope to change my sleep schedule to an earlier time, around 9:30 pm - 10 pm, so I can wake up at 5 am, but I state these times as a source of inspiration for you. I would advise not to jump into waking up super early but to work into the ideal time for you to wake up and spend time with the Lord. 


  1. No distractions

To be in God’s presence, you shouldn’t be distracted; there is no need for you to have your morning scroll of social media when you first wake up; you want to simply wake up, clean up and spend time with the Lord in solitude. So even though, your flesh might be itching to check your social media accounts or emails, you have to be disciplined and fight your flesh so you can feed your spirit.

2. Prayer

One thing I spend more time investing in my relationship with the Lord is prayer, from telling Him my day, asking for guidance, worshipping Him, etc. Prayer has been a big part in my relationship with the Lord. That’s why I recommend you take more time praying in the morning. So you can pray about your deepest concerns, thank Him, and worship Him with no distractions from family members, roommates, or text messages. This is why the early mornings are great since many aren’t up.

3. Read the Word

Take some time to read the Word every day; you can read half a chapter, a chapter, or a few chapters. Take your time reading it, writing notes about it, and seeking further knowledge by looking up commentary that goes into greater detail about the chapter you are reading.

4. Listen to instrumental music, bible verses audio with rain sounds, or your Christian music playlist.

During your quiet time with God or after, end your session with the Lord in an atmosphere that reminds you of God’s presence. I personally don’t like listening to music with words in the early morning when I am spending time with the Lord, so I usually spend my mornings in silence or listening to instrumental music with or without rain sounds. In the evenings, I usually listen to an 8 hour video that entails bible verses with rain sounds, as you can see I love rain sounds. I do all this to be reminded of God, and I have seen that it has positively impacted on how I act and treat others. 


I hope this blog post was helpful for you on your journey to spending your early mornings with God.

I pray God continues to bless you and strengthen your desire to learn more about Him. In Jesus Name, Amen.
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